A Woman Like Me

A woman like me has been through hell…
But she chooses to hold her head high.
A woman like me has faced disappointment…
But she understands she has to keep moving.
A woman like me is fearful…
But she is determined to live her life fearless and free.
A woman like me has struggled with insecurity…
But she refuses to allow it to be a trait she possesses.
A woman like me has been rejected more than her mind can fathom…
But she has decided…rejection will no longer hold her back.
A woman like me will uncomfortably sit in her comfort zone just because it’s familiar…
But she knows she has to leave that comfort zone in order to achieve greatness.
A woman like me has experienced failure…
But she will never give up!
A woman like me is afraid of the unknown…
But she chooses to trust God.
A woman like me is not perfect…
She does not have it all together…
And she may not be your cup of tea…
But it won’t stop her from being awesome.
Get to know a woman like me…
She’s packed with wisdom and will never hold back the truth.
That’s a woman like me… ❤
©2016 Regina A Bryant

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